San Pedrito • Puerto Rican Tody Sticker

A Female San Pedrito sticker! These stickers are made with durable vinyl that is scratch-resistant and water-proof. Put one on your phone case, laptop, water bottle, car, hard cooler; the possibilities are endless!
Female San Pedrito (𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘶𝘴)
Approximately 3.6″ x 3″
Dishwasher safe & water-proof
Durable & scratch-resistant (2-4 yrs)
Made in Puerto Rico
Art by Saimara Alejandro
A tiny, brilliant-green resident of wooded habitats. Endemic to Puerto Rico and belongs to the Todidae family, one of the oldest birds in the Caribbean and the Antilles. Typically perches at low to middle levels in the forest and sallies forth to snag insects from the undersides of leaves. When not actively pursuing a meal, sits rather motionless. Most active, and thus most easily seen, when the sun comes out following rain. Most often first detected by its voice: a loud buzzy “zhip, zhip.
Impreso en vinil plástico premium con laminado de protección contra rayaduras, luz solar y lluvia. Troquelado. Diseñado por Saimara Alejandro.
Tamaño: 3.6″ x 3″ pulgadas
Este pequeño pajarito se estima que tiene de 5 a 7 millones de años de antigüedad, ya que pertenece a la familia Todidae, de las aves más antiguas del Caribe y las Antillas. El San Pedrito es un ave endémica de Puerto Rico, pero su nombre científico es (Todus mexicanus).